Spill Theory: Getting Free to Write
Do you want to write but there’s a critic in your head?
I’m not talking about critical thinking—the ability to look beneath the surface of things & weigh substance, context, & complexity. That’s an essential skill that can empower us profoundly throughout our lives. Can make possible and protect democracy.
I’m asking if there’s a consistently negative literary critic who has taken up residence in your brain. Take a moment to think about that voice, or it might be a composite of negative voices you’ve heard over the years—parent, teacher, boss, editor, ex, competitor, rejection slip, you name it.
I have good news. You’ve arrived at a safe zone. Take a deep breath. What I am about to tell you, at first, may be difficult to believe.
The critic has left the room.
In fact, the critic was asked to leave the building & is being escorted out the front door. The critic’s walking away, headed for a very long & much-needed vacation. Well-intended but misguided, the critic secretly longs to be a painter but won’t paint because she believes she doesn’t have the talent & time it takes to “really” paint. The critic is in a cab headed for the airport. The critic’s plane just took off.
The critic is a fuzzy, fading white streak across the sky.
More good news: you are now free to write.
Ignore that expensive, empty, leather-bound journal you’ve been meaning to pick up. Instead, grab a yellow legal pad—or something that doesn’t demand excellence in a first draft. Forget about a pencil; you’ll be tempted to erase. Grab a pen that glides. If you prefer a computer, close every window except your word processing software (and possibly my prompts page). Nothing else.
You don’t need to know what you’re going to write about. Learn by writing. By listening. To the voice inside your head. Take dictation. Or if she’s silent & staring, tell us what she sees. What she hears. Tastes. Lives. Believes.
Write without stopping, editing, or censoring. Some call this freewriting. I call it spilling—allow your words to fall, flow, or run onto the page like water moving.
Let your body—your hand/s & fingers—speak. Allow your pen to keep moving across the page. Allow your fingers to glide over the keys.
You don’t have to share what you write with anyone. You don’t have to read it aloud. You can burn, delete, or shred it. You can hide it in a locked box. You can change the names to protect the guilty, including yourself. You don’t ever have to write again.
Just. Write. Now.
Or, you could delete emails. Or doomscroll. But you’ve done that before. You know where that does & doesn’t lead. And at this particular moment, you have a choice. You don’t have to write. But you can.
You can dance the small dance of moving your hand across the page, your fingers across the keyboard.
If you just received a call from the critic, remind her that she’s on vacation & end the call.
It’s up to her—she can paint or not.
I have been talking about writing a book for 10 years but never could write it. Chivas had me writing in the first class and looking back with amazement. She had me do it without even knowing. It came with support and wisdom.
Chivas is like my writing mother. She says I can do it, gives me support, just enough to take the next step, and creates a space with others that makes us blossom.
Linda Goldsmith
Thank you, Linda, for your generous feedback. I deeply appreciate your courage–& we need the book that you’re writing.